Delden Manufacturing

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Press Room Images

Delden Manufacturing Logo and Image Use Agreement

This is to acknowledge request or receipt of Delden Manufacturing digital products images and/or company logo from Delden Manufacturing.

By acknowledging receipt of these images, the user agrees that the product images and/or logo are to be used in connection with advertising, marketing, or the presentation of Delden Manufacturing products only. If the receiver uses these images and/or logos for any other purpose other than advertising, marketing, or presenting Delden Manufacturing products, the user could be subject to legal action.

The receiver acknowledges these images and/or logos to be the sole property of Delden Manufacturing and that each image that is utilized must appear with the Delden Manufacturing logo and must be approved by Delden’s Marketing Department.

If at any point the receiver is no longer affiliated with Delden as a recognized Delden dealer, the receiver agrees to cease use of any Delden supplied images or logos. If the receiver fails to comply with this stipulation, the receiver could be subject to legal action.

Please complete and submit the form below to confirm your agreement to comply with the usage requirements. If any issues, please contact:

Delden Manufacturing Co. Inc.
3530 N. Kimball Dr.
Kansas City, MO 64161
[email protected]
Phone: 816.413.1600
Fax:  816.413.1652

*Customer Name:
Cust. No:
*Signature Date:
*Requested by: (Ad Agency, Directory, etc)
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